NCVS On-line technical memos
Number. 17, March 2013 (v1.0) - Simeon L. Smith and Eric J. Hunter,
[link 1] Modeling Laryngeal Muscle: Combination of Hill-Based Active Properties with Ogden Three-Network Model [.pdf 214KB]
[link 2] [.zip - 4K ]
Number. 16, March 2013 (v1.0) - Ben Larson, Christian T. Herbst, and Eric J. Hunter,
[link 1] EGG Wavegram Python Source Code Tutorial [.pdf 490KB]
[link 2] Accompanying Application and Source Code. [.zip - 15,0985K ]
Number. 15, August 2012 (v1.1) - Eric J Hunter and Jenifer Spielman; Acoustic Voice Recording, “I am seeking recommendations for voice recording hardware”. [.pdf 302KB]
Number. 14, April 2012 (v1.0) - Sree Harsha Jampala, Eric J Hunter, and Anil Kumar Palaparthi;
Comparison of Ogden Two Network and Ogden Three Network Model as a Replacement for Kelvin Model in the Posture Module [.pdf 134KB]
Number. 13, March 2012 (v1.0) - Jennifer L. Spielman, Eric J. Hunter, Angela E. Halpern, and Ingo R. Titze,
Measuring Improvement in Teachers with Voice Complaints Using the Inability to Produce Soft Voice (IPSV): Preliminary Data [.pdf 510KB]
Number. 12, April 2010 (v1.0) - Eric J. Hunter and Anil Kumar Palaparthi,
Modeling Vocal Fold Tissue: Two- and Three-Network Ogden Models [.pdf 831KB]
Matlab Scripts to accompany the brief.[.zip - 3,685K ]
Number. 11, Aug 2008 (v1.1) - Eric J. Hunter. General Statistics of the NCVS Self-Administered Vocal Rating (SAVRa) [.pdf 199KB]
Number 10, November 2007 (v1.1, Jan 2008)- Jan G. Švec, Johan Sundberg, Stellan Hertegård Sound and video examples complementing the article, "Three registers in an untrained female singer analyzed by videokymography, strobolaryngoscopy and sound spectrography"
Technical Note #10 Sound and Video Files
Chest – Head Register Transition:
Description |
JASA Figure | Sound | Video (Laryngoscopy) |
Singing ascending scale from chest to head register | Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 |
Fig1_sound.wav | Fig1_videoStrobe.mpg |
Another ascending scale from chest to head register | Fig. 4 | Fig4_sound.wav | --- |
Head – Whistle Register Transition:
Description |
JASA Figure | Sound | Video (Laryngoscopy) |
Singing ascending scales from head to whistle register | Fig. 6 | Fig6_sound.wav | Fig6related_videoStrobe.mpg |
The highest pitch in whistle register, tone G6 (F0 ~ 1590 Hz) | Fig. 8 | --- |
Fig8_videoStrobe.mpg |
Pitch glide, with two subsequent pitch jumps during the head-whistle transition | Fig. 9 | Fig9_sound.wav | Fig9_videoLaryngoscopy.mpg |
Number 9, Febuary 2005 (v1.0) - Eric J. Hunter, Laura M. Hunter and Ingo R. Titze Individual Subject Laryngeal Dimensions of Multiple Mammalian Species for Biomechanical Models: A Supplement [.pdf 170KB].Accompanying data discussed in the brief. [.zip ]
Number 8, Febuary 2005 (v1.0) - Eric J. Hunter and Laura M. Hunter Statement on the need for an arytenoid motion knowledge base [.pdf 138KB]
Number 7, September 2007 (v1.4) - Jennifer Spielman, Andrew C. Starr, Peter P. Popolo, and Eric J. Hunter Recommendations for the Creation of a Voice Acoustics Laboratory
Number 6, July 2006 (v2.0) - Eric J. Hunter Optimization Of Passive Tissue Model Parameters Of Intrinsic Laryngeal Tissues [.pdf - 689K] Matlab Scripts to accompany the brief.[.zip - 274K ]
Number 5, 2002 (v1.1, Feb2005) - Peter S. Popolo, Karen Rogge-Miller, Jan G. Svec, Ingo R. Titze Technical Considerations in the Design of a Wearable Voice Dosimeter [.pdf - 407KB]
Number 4, October 2004 - Peter S. Popolo, Jan G. Svec, Eric J. Hunter, Andrew C. Starr, Karen Rogge-Miller, John Nix and Ingo R. Titze Teachers' Guide to Voice Dosimetry [.pdf - 516KB]
Number 3, April 2004 (v1.1,Jan2005)- Eric J. Hunter and Ingo R. Titze Dynamics of a three-dimensional model of vocal fold abduction/adduction [.pdf - 841K ]. Scripts to accompany the brief.[.zip - 15K ]
Technical Note Number 3 Animations
Name | Low Resolution(size) | High Resolution(size) | ||||
Isolated Contractions |
Isolated Elongation |
PCA Muscle Contribution |
LCA Muscle Contribution |
IA Muscle Contribution |
TAM Muscle Contribution |
TAV Muscle Contribution |
Number 2, April 2004 , version 2.4 - Updated April 23, 2004, Jan G. Švec , Eric J. Hunter, Peter S. Popolo, Karen Rogge-Miller, and Ingo R. Titze The Calibration and Setup of the NCVS Dosimeter [.pdf 1.3M ] Scripts and examples that accompany the brief. [.zip 29M ]
Number 1, April 2003 - Updated Feb 17, 2004 , Jan G. Švec , Peter S. Popolo and Ingo R. Titze The Goldilocks Passage and Scripts for Frequency Extraction, Voicing Detection, SPL Calculation and Vocal Dose Determination in Speech [.pdf ~ 900K]. Matlab Scripts to accompany the brief. [.zip ~ 3.3M ]