Voice Related References
As a service to current and aspiring voice and speech invesitgators, the NCVS has established a unique database of articles. These include most publications cited in articles by the NCVS researchers, as well as related articles. Because of the nature of scientific research, this database will continue to evolve as does the field. The current database has more than 6700 references, with nearly 8000 different authors.
While the NCVS database does not presume to replace online library searches and databases like PubMed and OVID, it does offer a unique focus on voice and speech, which encompasses disciplines as diverse as acoustics, biomechanics, otolaryngology, and vocal performance.
Tips for using the NCVS database follow.
You must have Reference Manager software (available at the website www.refman.com). The project team chose Reference Manager as an affordable and easy software package to use. It is offered at academic pricing.
Two files must be downloaded to your workstation. They are available in compressed form (WinZip): Click here to start the download: <<ncvs.zip>> (File Size: 6.6 MB) . Note: if the download does not start, right click on the link and select 'Save Target as' or 'Save as'. ) These files should be used with Reference Manager, version 10.0.
Once the files are downloaded, you should be able to navigate to them, and double click on either to start Reference Manager and view them. These data files are not backwards compatible, but there is a workaround. To find out more, go to the Reference Manager support site. Enter '892' for the Issue ID# and search the database.
If there is a reference you think should be in the database, or you have more information that would add to a reference, please contact us NCVSWebmaster@ncvs.org