Press Kit:
News Coverage on the accuracy of a voice vote:
- And the ayes have it, or were they just louder? (Reuters) - read more...
- How one loudmouth can derail democracy (BBC Future -Science & Environment) - read more...
- Can 1 Screaming Idiot Undermine a Democracy? (Pacific-Standard) - read more...
- Decibels and democracy - Study on the accuracy of voice votes finds that loud voices can skew results (Iowa Now - The University of Iowa) - read more...
News Coverage of Born to Roar article
"Born to Roar" Press Release: Click Here story on msnbc:
Discovery Channel News:
Scientific American podcast (the bad news: none of our institutions are
Smithsonian (NCVS mentioned only):
Asian News International story via
Asian News International story via Newstrack, India:
Press Association, UK:
Earth Times:
Press Association story in Independent, Ireland:
Press Association story in Delfast Telegraph: story on Mother Nature Network:
e!Science News:
Der Spiegel : A German weekly news magazine,1518,795694,00.html
MSNBC article - Hoarse Teachers Find Talking is an Occupational Hazard - By Dr. Eric Hunter
BYU College of Physical and Mathmatical Sciences - By Dr. Eric Hunter
Of Humans and Alligators- By Tobias Riede, Isao T. Tokuda, and C. G. FarmerNew thoughts on Vocal Fundamental Frequency and Vocal Fold Mass: It’s not as we once thought - By Dr. Ingo R. Titze
Studies Show Women at Higher Risk for Vocal Problems - By Dr. Eric Hunter
Dr. Titze to recieve Honors of the Association AHSA Award
Governor Gary Herbert Proclaims Voice and Speech Celebration Day - April 16, 2010
"Giving voice to a neglected teachers' ailment." Written by Lesley Ciarula Taylor, 9 November 2009.
"It Is Female And Not Male Teachers Who Face Increased Voice Problems." Medindia. 30 October 2009.
"Teachers, especially women, strain voices." 28 October 2009.
"Teacher Talk Strains Voices, Especially For Women." Science Daily. 27 October 2009.
"Voice Strain In Teachers, Especially Females." 27 October 2009.
"Female teachers '32 times more likely to experience voice problems'." The Hindu. 27 October 2009.
"Female teachers 32 times more likely to experience voice problems." 27 October 2009.
"Teacher talk strains voices, especially for women." 26 October 2009.Media Archive
"Singing Began in Fish, Perfected by Birds." Written by Jennifer Viegas, 16 January 2009. (Also on website, and as a pdf file.)
"Keeping Your Voice Healthy for Life." Written by John Henny, 8 January 2009.
“Teachers more likely to suffer voice-related problems.” Written by. T. Avril,.The Oklahoman, 12 August 2008.
“Classroom woe: Working hoarse.” Written by Tom Avril, Philadelphia Inquirer. 23 June 2008. Also published in The Pantagraph, (Bloomington, IL), The Oklahoman (Oklahoma City), and Oman Tribune (Oman).
“Dog Growls Reveal Size to Human Listeners. ” Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News: Discovery Channel. 3 June, 2008.
"How our voices make us human." Radio interview with Ingo Titze, WSUI AM 910 public radio, The Exchange with Ben Kieffer. 13 May, 2008.
“Losing a voice on the campaign trail.” Reported by Chris Vanderveen, 9 News (NBC affiliate). Denver, CO. 4 Feb. 2008.
“Candidates Risk Harming Voice in Final Week to Super Tuesday”. Denver Post. 30 Jan. 2008. (Reprinted in Smart Money).
“The Voice.” Hosted by David Howard, BBC Documentary. 25 January, 2008.
Human Instrument," an article written by Dr. Ingo Titze, appears in the
January 2008 "Scientific American." In the article, Dr. Titze explains
how our vocal systems allow us to produce remarkable sounds. A synopsis
is available on the Scientific American website.
"Teachers Fail to Get Vocal Rest." 28 December 2007.
“Presidential candidates try to stay healthy” Cedar Rapids Gazette. 14 Dec. 2007.
“Teachers fail to get vocal rest.” Written by Jeremy P. Meyer in The Denver Post. 15 Nov. 2007.
New Plea for Quiet in Class, Chicago Tribune, 7 August, 2007.
"New Study Shows Teachers Talk Too Much." Reported by John Hollenhors,. KSL-TV (NBC affiliate). Salt Lake City, UT. 7 June 2007.
“Blah, Blah, Blah: Teachers Top Talking Tests.” Written by Dave Mosher,.LiveScience. 30 May 2007. (
"New Study Shows Teachers Talk Too Much." 8 June 2007.
“Striking a Cord.” Written by Dawn Fallik, Philadelphia Inquirer. 8 Jul. 2006 (Reprinted in San Jose Mercury News, Miami Herald, and Akron Beacon Journal)
“Therapist Helps Get Vocal Cords in Shape for Power Yelling” Written by Mary Bergin. The Capital Times. 31 Oct. 2005.
“New UI Lab Examines Your Voice” Reported by Cassie Willis, KCRG-TV9 (Iowa City ABC affiliate). 30 Sept. 2005
“The opera's on a grand scale, but not the diva." Written by Jeannine Stein, Los Angeles Times. 21 Sept. 2005. (Reprinted in Atlanta Journal-Constitution as “A Diva of Fitness”; in The Ledger as “It's Over for the Fat Lady; Fit Divas Take Stage”; and Wichita Eagle as “So long to the fat lady”.
“Active Voice.” Written by Todd Michaelis, BYU Magazine. Summer 2005.
“New lab will advance voice research”. NEWSWISE / Science News. 26 April, 2005.
“Stimmloser Schrei”. Written by Christoph Drösser, Die Zeit. 30 Sept. 2004
“k karaoke: physical” Written by Mona Chiang, Science World. 2 Feb. 2004.
“A Tiger's Tale” Creighton News. 26 Jan. 2004.
“At rate tech is going, no one will need talent for singing or Housework” Written by Kevin Maney, USA Today. 7 Sept. 2003.
“New computer tools aim to fix poor voices” United Press International. 29 Apr. 2003.
“Time Out for Vocal Cords.” Written by Lia Unrau,Dallas Morning News. 31 March, 2003.
“The science of singing.” Written by Grant Madsen, BYU Magazine. Spring 2002.
“Vocology Institute takes place in Denver.” Iowa City Press-Citizen. 24 Jan. 2000.
“The Physics of Singing.” Written by Curtis Rist, Discover. Aug 1999.
“Voice skills shout success in job search, advancement.” Written by Cindy Christ, Colorado Jobs. Oct. 1998.
“Patients sound off in voice therapy.” Written by Dianne Zuckerman, Denver Post. 2 March 1998.
“Center strives to treat speech, voice disorders.” Written by Jennifer Baker-Cronin, Iowa City Press-Citizen. 27 Feb. 1998.
“Speech pathologist sings with robot.” Written by Andrew Lambert, Daily Universe. 25 Feb. 1998.
“Voice Scientist reveals art of speech”. Written by Esther Yu, Daily Universe. 24 Feb. 1998. P.5
“Where Mountains and Theater Make a Happy Mix.” Written by R.W. Apple Jr, New York Times. 15 Jan. 1998.
“Hawaiian singers impress voice experts.” Written by Helen Altonn, Star-Bulletin. 9 Dec. 1996.
“Applying Chaos Theory to Vocal Fold Physiology.” Written by Marc Iskowitz, ADVANCE. 9 Dec. 1996.
“MR Studies Show How Sound is Produced.” Written by Robert Trace, ADVANCE. 24 June, 1996.
“New Method helps Parkinson's Patients' speech.” Written by Gwen Gibson, Naples Daily News. 16 May, 1996. (reprinted in Daily News-Sun as “Rediscovering speech.” 15 May 1996.
“Say ‘Aah'” Discover. April 1996.
“A Human Touch: Computer Voices get emotional.” Written by Charles Bullard, Des Moines Sunday Register. 18 Feb. 1996.
“Recreating the Human Voice.” Written by David Wheeler, The Chronicle of Higher Education. 19 Jan. 1996.
“The Sound of Science.” Written by Sylvie Drake, SPA (Society for Physicians in Administration) News. Winter 1995.
“Science to be blended with vocal performance” Iowa City Press-Citizen. 14 Oct. 1995..
“What's in a voice?” Written by Ingo Titze, New Scientists. 23 Sept. 1995.
“Study: Teachers suffer trouble with vocal chords” Iowa City Press-Citizen. 19 June, 1995.
“Singing ability depends on physics: Here's why most of us can't sing like Pavarotti.” Written by Shankar Vedantam, The State, Columbia SC. 27 June 1995.
“Voice of a New Machine” Written by Joseph Baneth Allen, Omni. Sept. 1993.
“Vocal Health Takes center stage.” Written by Robert Trace, ADVANCE. 7 June, 1993.
“Pavarobotti: The Computer Who Sounds Like a World Class Tenor” Voice Foundation Newsletter. 1993.
“Scientist wants to film McFerrin's vocal cords.” Written by Patrick Armijo, Greeley Tribune. 18 April, 1993.
“Research Center Studies voice traumas” Greeley Tribune. 18 April, 1993..
“A Man Called Hoarse” People Magazine. 21 Dec, 1992.
“New Dimensions in Voice Simulation.” Written by Ingo Titze, World & I May 1992.
“Can't Sing, you say? Well, you're wrong!” Written by Sam Leopold, Arts & Entertainment April 1992.
“Music Machine” USA Today. 30 March, 1992.
“Grant aimed at Voice Research.” Denver Post. 14 Dec. 1990.
“U of I takes lead in voice research.” Written by Lyle Muller, The Cedar Rapids (IA) 16 Oct. 1990.