Program Associate
Julie Ostrem's professional interests focus on two areas: the development of educational and service outreaches (translational research) and research administration. Much of her work has been in the area of voice, although she wove the website for the Child Language Research Center at Iowa and currently serves as the webmaster for UI's Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology site. She previously led a team in the creation of the Voice Academy, an NIDCD-funded website built for the vocal health of schoolteachers.
She has been a member of the NCVS since 1991. Prior to that, she was a mid-career program coordinator at the University of Missouri's prestigious School of Journalism.
In addition to communications projects, she currently works with Dr. Richard Hurtig on a Department of Education funded project to assess the effectiveness of an early literacy intervention program in the Chicago Public Schools.
Contact at The University of Iowa | 319.335-6602