Conference Objectives
The 2nd International Conference on the Physiology and Acoustics of
Singing brought performers, voice educators, voice scientists, medical
doctors and behavioral therapy specialists together for a unique format
of lectures, demonstrations and performances. Just as the field of medicine
has benefited from work done with astronauts and athletes, conference
organizers propose what is learned from the exceptional vocalizations
of singers (not just “classically trained” singers, but
singers from all genres) can help all voice professionals in understanding
"normal" behavior and in developing new habilitative approaches,
including those which integrate technology into vocal training.
Justification for the meeting
The decision to hold the second meeting in 2004 was based upon several
factors. The Groningen conference was the first meeting of its kind
exclusively devoted to the physiology and acoustics of the singing voice.
The organizers intentionally limited it to a small group of invited
participants. While other conferences have had sessions devoted to singing,
none had ever exclusively focused on singing voice research. It was
the desire of attendees at the 2002 meeting to have a second meeting
soon, to build upon the momentum and communication that was fostered
in Groningen, and to expand the participation at the meeting to include
more artists, teachers and therapists. The National Center for Voice
and Speech at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts volunteered
to host the next meeting, and the conference dates were chosen after
exploring when other voice conferences were being held in 2004 and 2005.
The NCVS is well suited to hosting a conference on the science of singing.
As the only voice research and clinical care facility in the world that
is a division of a performing arts center, the NCVS is a unique intersection
of the performing arts, medicine and science.
Focus of the meeting
The 1st Physiology and Acoustics of Singing Conference in Groningen
dealt more with reviewing the past history of singing voice research
and addressing the current knowledge base about singing. The Denver
conference sought to answer the following questions:
(1) Where is singing voice research going? What new directions are being
explored, and what areas demand further examination?
(2) How does singing voice research relate to and assist other voice