A selection of mini-courses have been developed as aids for understanding some of the more difficult concepts presented in the text, Principles of Voice Production (available through NCVS book sales). Note that a refresher on basic acoustics can serve as a jump-start for those who haven’t had a recent course in college physics. The text’s glossary is also available for easy reference.
The rest of the tutorials are organized by chapter. You will notice that tutorial material for Chapters 1 (Laryngeal Anatomy) and 12 (Voice Disorders) lead you to external websites. A browser window will open when following these links, so simply close the windows to return to this page.
Background Material
Chapter 1: Laryngeal Anatomy – Wikipedia Links
Chapter 2: Biomechanics of Laryngeal Tissue
Chapter 3: Fluid Flow in Respiratory Airways (Breathing)
Chapter 4: Vocal Fold Oscillation
- Models of Vocal Fold Oscillation
- Normal Patterns or “Modes” of Vocal Fold Vibration
- Phonation Threshold Pressure
Chapter 5: Generation and Propagation of Sound
Chapter 6: The Source-Filter Theory of Vowels
Chapter 7: Voice Classification & Lifespan Changes
Chapter 8: Control of Fundamental Frequency
Chapter 9: Control of Vocal Intensity & Efficiency
- 3 Levels of Intensity Control: Lungs, Glottis & Vocal Tract
- Vocal Efficiency Q & A
- The Singer’s Formant
Chapter 10: Vocal Registers
Chapter 11: Fluctuations & Perturbations in Vocal Output
Chapter 12: Voice Disorders – Suggested links to external websites (these will open in a new browser window)