Air Pressures That Are Critical in Vocal Fold Vibration

by Dr. Ingo Titze, PhD

As singers and speakers, we care about efficient ways to use our voices. Questions regarding the effective use of air pressure and airflow arise. For example: To get louder, is it just about pushing harder with more lung pressure? Or, are there other ways to tune up the system to get more bang for the buck? Let’s get some insights into various pressures in our airways.

In vocalization, we talk about lung pressure, subglottal pressure, intraglottal pressure, transglottal pressure, phonation threshold pressure, and oral pressure. These pressures determine the movement of air or tissue along the vocal tract. The pressures are positive in the sense that they produce forces against airway walls and the air itself. Because they all fluctuate around the atmospheric pressure, they can be expressed as positive or negative relative to atmospheric pressure. During inspiration, relative pressures are mostly negative, while during expiration, they are mostly positive.

In phonation, all airway pressures have two components, a somewhat steady component due to gradual air transport from the lungs to the lips and an oscillating (acoustic) component due to forward and backward wave propagation. The airway pressures are regulated with lung pressure and with impedances along the airway, like semi-occlusions or narrow portions that restrict airflow and thereby create a pressure difference across the constriction. 

Consider the glottis as an airway impedance (Fig. 1). Two pressures are critical, the transglottal pressure and the mean intraglottal pressure. Transglottal pressure (PSG-PIN), is short for transglottal pressure difference. This difference drives the airflow through the glottis (vertically in the figure). Mean intraglottal pressure P drives the vocal fold tissue in a perpendicular direction (see net velocity arrow). It is roughly calculated as P = (PSG+PIN)/2.

Transglottal and mean intraglottal pressures can be very different. Any upper airway constriction can lower the transglottal pressure, while at the same time raising the mean intraglottal pressure. The key is the supraglottal pressure PIN, which can be thought of as a back pressure on the vocal folds. PIN is highly dependent on vocal tract shape and varies with fundamental frequency. It can be positive or negative relative to lung pressure in the vibration cycle.

The influence of PIN on the transglottal and mean intraglottal pressures is critical. For example, if PIN is negative at some moment in time due to an acoustic wave rarefaction above the glottis), the transglottal pressure (PSG-PIN) is larger than the subglottal pressure PSG. However, the mean intraglottal pressure (PSG+PIN)/2 is reduced because the two pressures tend to cancel each other. This condition will drive a lot of glottal airflow, but little pressure will be applied to the vocal fold surfaces to drive the tissue.

An opposite condition is also possible, where PIN is positive and nearly equal to PSG. The transglottal pressure then becomes small and the mean intraglottal pressure becomes large. Airflow is reduced while the driving pressure on the tissue is increased. Furthermore, if PIN can be more positive during glottal opening than glottal closing due to changing acoustic wave compressions, self-sustained vocal fold oscillation is possible with an alternate “large push-small push” mechanism.

Given that both PSG and PIN can have steady and oscillatory (acoustic) components, there are many conditions for enhancing glottal airflow and tissue driving pressure. Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises produce a steady PIN that lowers transglottal pressure and raises intraglottal pressure. In addition, or independently, acoustic pressures can change PIN as described above. Favorable conditions change with different fundamental frequencies and different vocal tract configurations.

Phonation threshold pressure (PTP) is the lowest lung pressure that produces vocal fold oscillation. It is a measure of “ease of phonation”. PTP can be lowered with an acoustic pressure variation in PIN that reinforces the vocal fold driving pressure as described above. By choosing a vowel configuration for which PIN can increase during glottal opening and decrease during glottal closing, the vocal tract can assist in vocal fold vibration.

In summary, raising lung pressure alone increases subglottal pressure PSG, and therewith transglottal pressure and glottal airflow, all else being equal. This larger glottal airflow makes the voice louder. However, one can also vocalize louder with help from the vocal tract, simply by choosing the best airway configuration for a given pitch. More detail can be found in a recent article (Titze, 2023).


Titze I R. (2000). Principles of Voice Production. National Center for Voice and Speech,

Titze I R. (2023) Simulation of vocal loudness regulation with lung pressure, vocal fold adduction, and source-airway interaction J. Voice. Volume 37, Issue 2, 152-161.

How to Cite

Titze, I.R. (2023), Air Pressures That Are Critical in Vocal Fold Vibration. NCVS Insights, Vol. 1(1), pp. 1-2. DOI: